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Swift ATels - 2024

Most recent ATels are listed at the top of the page.

  1. NICER, NuSTAR, and Swift-XRT observations of the Magnetar 1E 1841-045
  2. EP J005146.9-730930: S-CUBED detection of a likely Be/XRB in the SMC
  3. Recent Burst Activity of EXO 0748-676/UY Volantis
  4. Shock-powered X-rays from Nova Vulpeculae 2024 (V615 Vul) detected by Swift
  5. X-ray Flare from the Galactic Center Detected by Swift/XRT
  6. Re-activation of Soft Gamma Repeater SGR 1E 1841-045 / Kes 73
  7. EP-WXT detection of an X-ray transient EP240809a and Swift follow-up observation
  8. Detection of a strong X-ray flare from the quasar PHL 1811 by Einstein Probe
  9. The 2024 eruption of the Recurrent Nova LMC 1968 as caught by Swift
  10. Swift observation of Nova Vulpeculae 2024 (V615 Vul) at optical peak
  11. Swift-XRT detection at the location of the FBOT candidate AT2024qfm
  12. Swift J091211.2-274429: a new X-ray transient
  13. Swift XRT follow-up observations of the SBS 1343+537
  14. Bright X-ray outburst from SXP 5.05 in the SMC
  15. Swift follow-up of the gamma-ray flare of high-redshift blazar S5 0212+73
  16. Strong X-Ray Flaring Activity of PKS 2155-304
  17. MAXI J1915+099 / IGR J19140+0951: Swift observation
  18. The optical spectrum of the black hole transient SWIFT J1753.5-0127 remains featureless
  19. MOMO detection of the blazar OJ 287 in a deep optical-UV-radio low-state
  20. Swift/BAT trigger on EXO 0748-676 is a Type I X-ray burst
  21. First Swift Observations of the Repeating FRB20240114A
  22. Swift/XRT captures a bright X-ray flare from the Galactic center
  23. Nova Scorpii 2024 (V1723 Sco) has entered the super-soft X-ray phase
  24. S-CUBED confirms turn on of CXOU J005245.0-722844, a possible WD hosting BeXRB? (Erratum)
  25. Elevated X-Ray State in the TeV-Detected Blazar 1ES 1218+304
  26. Detection of hard and soft X-ray emission with NuSTAR and Swift-XRT at the location of SN2024iss
  27. X-ray and radio observations reveal GX 339-4 has returned to the hard state
  28. Swift/XRT observations of the X-ray transient EP240408a
  29. Swift and Chandra X-ray detections in the nucleus of SDSS J133519.91+072807.4
  30. Optical Spectrum of XRTJ155712+382032, a candidate counterpart of the gamma-ray source 4FGL J1557.2+3822 and the IceCube neutrino event IC-240307A
  31. A new outburst of IGR J06074+2205
  32. Swift/XRT observation of Swift J151857.0-572147 indicates that the source likely made a transition to the soft state
  33. Swift follow-up observation of the EP X-ray transient EP240305a (EPW20240305aa)
  34. Swift-XRT follow-up confirms the high activity state of the FSRQ OP 313
  35. Swift X-ray detection of Nova Scorpii 2024 (V1723 Sco)
  36. Swift GC monitoring program detection of low luminosity outburst a new source: Swift J174610-290018
  37. First MeerKAT radio non-detection of the neutron star X-ray binary SRGA J144459.2-604207 and Swift/XRT detection of a Type-I X-ray burst
  38. Swift/XRT observation of the X-ray transient SRGA J144459.2-604207
  39. Swift/XRT confirms brightening of the eruptive variable CD-56 1032B
  40. Detection of a bright X-ray flare by Einstein Probe in its commissioning phase
  41. Optical, X-ray and infrared observations of GX 339-4 during the hard-to-soft state transition observed with LCO and REM
  42. Strong X-Ray Flare in the TeV-Detected Blazar 1ES 1959+650
  43. Optical and X-ray decay of Swift J1753.5-0127 observed with LCO and Swift/XRT
  44. Swift X-ray monitoring observations of the Galactic center have resumed after Sun constraints
  45. Swift observations of IceCube-240105A event
  46. Long-Term X-Ray Flare in the Southern Blazar 1ES 1101-232