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Summary of RMFs and ARFs

Below we summarise the uniform illumination RMFs and ARFs available for Swift X-ray analysis and their time-dependence. (See this thread for information on the position-dependent WT RMFs.) The relevant uniform-illumination, epoch-dependent RMF for a spectrum is also written to the screen in the output of the task xrtmkarf. The last column links to the relevant release note.

A summary of known calibration issues is available on the XRT digest page.

WT mode
From To Grade File namesRelease note
2004-Dec-01 2006-Dec-31  0-2   swxwt0to2s0_20010101v012.rmf v17
    0 swxwt0s0_20010101v012.rmf
2007-Jan-01 2007-Aug-30  0-2  swxwt0to2s0_20070101v012.rmf v17
    0 swxwt0s0_20070101v012.rmf
Substrate voltage change from 0V to 6 V on 2007-Aug-30
2007-Aug-31  2008-Dec-31  0-2  swxwt0to2s6_20010101v015.rmf v18
    0 swxwt0s6_20010101v015.rmf
2009-Jan-01  2010-Dec-31  0-2  swxwt0to2s6_20090101v015.rmf v19
    0 swxwt0s6_20090101v015.rmf
2011-Jan-01  2012-Dec-31  0-2  swxwt0to2s6_20110101v015.rmf v19
    0 swxwt0s6_20110101v015.rmf
2013-Jan-01  2013-Dec-11  0-2  swxwt0to2s6_20130101v015.rmf v19
    0 swxwt0s6_20130101v015.rmf
2013-Dec-12  now  0-2  swxwt0to2s6_20131212v015.rmf v19
    0 swxwt0s6_20131212v015.rmf

PC mode
From To Grade File namesRelease note
2004-Dec-01 2006-Dec-31  0-12   swxpc0to12s0_20010101v012.rmf v17
    0-4 swxpc0to4s0_20010101v012.rmf
    0 swxpc0s0_20010101v012.rmf
2007-Jan-01 2007-Aug-30  0-12  swxpc0to12s0_20070101v012.rmf v17
   0-4  swxpc0to4s0_20070101v012.rmf
    0 swxpc0s0_20070101v012.rmf
Substrate voltage change from 0V to 6 V on 2007-Aug-30
2007-Aug-31  2008-Dec-31  0-12  swxpc0to12s6_20010101v014.rmf v18
    0-4 swxpc0to4s6_20010101v014.rmf
    0 swxpc0s6_20010101v014.rmf
2009-Jan-01  2010-Dec-31  0-12  swxpc0to12s6_20090101v014.rmf v19
    0-4 swxpc0to4s6_20090101v014.rmf
    0 swxpc0s6_20090101v014.rmf
2011-Jan-01  2012-Dec-31  0-12  swxpc0to12s6_20110101v014.rmf v19
    0-4 swxpc0to4s6_20110101v014.rmf
    0 swxpc0s6_20110101v014.rmf
2013-Jan-01  now  0-12  swxpc0to12s6_20130101v014.rmf v19
    0-4 swxpc0to4s6_20130101v014.rmf
    0 swxpc0s6_20130101v014.rmf