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HAWC 211123A — Source 4 (SWIFT J021702.7-082048)

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Source details
Rank/Classification: 4: Known X-ray Source
RA (J2000):02h 17m 02.70s (= 34.26123°)
Dec (J2000):-08° 20′ 49.8″ (= -8.3472°)
Error (radius, 90%):3.5″ (enhanced position)
Detection flag:Good
XRT exposure:1233 s (vignetting corrected)
Peak rate:0.029 (±0.008) ct s-1
Peak flux:1.2 (±0.3) ×10-12 erg cm-2 s-1
Mean rate:0.025 (+0.006, -0.005) ct s-1
Mean flux:1.06 (+0.24, -0.23) ×10-12 erg cm-2 s-1
Has spectral fit?Yes
NH 2.01 × 1021 cm-2
Γ 2.54
Database ID:730
Possible issues:
Optical Loading: No warning (automatic)
Stray Light: No warning (automatic)
Extended Emission: No warning (automatic)
Catalogue information
Known X-ray emitter?Yes - 2SXPS J021702.5-082053
Cat. rate1:0.0341 (±0.0029) ct s-1
Cat. flux2:1.47 (±0.12) ×10-12 erg cm-2 s-1
Observed/Cat. flux≤0 σ
Fading? No (≤1-σ significance).
Near 2MASS source? Yes, 1 match. Show details.
Near SIMBAD source?Yes - ICRF J021702.6-082052 is 4.8″ away.
Catalogue SearchCone search radius 10″ Vizier | Simbad | NED | X-ray master | LSXPS | 3XMM-DR5

All XRT count rates and fluxes are 0.3—10 keV
1Catalogued count-rates have been converted to XRT equivalents.
2Catalogued upper limits and fluxes have been converted to the XRT equivalent using the automatic power-law spectral fit described above.

2MASS objects near the source

ID Position Offset from
XRT source