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XRT position for GRB 210712A enhanced by UVOT field astrometry

Data were analysed using HEASOFT version 6.32

RA (J2000):06h 29m 19.63s (97.33179)
Dec (J2000):-35° 22′ 18.0′′ (-35.37166)
90% Error radius:1.6′′
Number of overlaps included in position: 6
Exposure time in final position: 2313 s

Total number of overlaps considered: 10
Total overlap time: 3432 s
Number of overlaps where no X-ray source was found: 3
Number of low-X-ray-count fits rejected: 0
Number of spurious fits rejected: 0
Number of bad astrometric corrections:0
Number of outliers removed: 1

For details of how these positions are produced, and why some positions are rejected, see the online documentation.

All XRT GRB positions