Data were analysed using HEASOFT version 6.32
RA: | 13h 50m 58.38s | LC breaks: | 0 |
Dec: | +31° 11′ 28.7′′ | LC type: | Unknown. |
Err: | 1.8′′ | NH,intr.: | 5.91×1020 cm-2 |
Gal long: | Redshift | Unknown | |
Gal lat: | Γ | 1.7 |
Jump to: Spectra | Compare to other bursts.
If you use any of these data, please cite Evans et al. (2009), which describes how these products were created (see the usage policy for more information).
Since there are no breaks in the light curve, only the time-averaged spectra are shown below. Times of flaring have not been removed, however this makes little difference to most spectra (see Fig 7/8c of Evans et al. 2009). For more information see the time-resolved spectroscopy documentation.
Download spectral files for Time-averaged spectrum.
NH (Galactic) | 1.41 × 1020 cm-2 |
NH (intrinsic) | 6 (+7, -6) × 1020 cm-2 |
z of absorber | 0 |
Photon index | 1.73 (+0.26, -0.24) |
Flux (0.3-10 keV) (Observed) | 5.54 (+1.01, -0.82) × 10-12 erg cm-2 s-1 |
Flux (0.3-10 keV) (Unabsorbed) | 6.2 (+0.8, -0.7) × 10-12 erg cm-2 s-1 |
Counts to flux (obs) | 3.87 × 10-11 erg cm-2 ct-1 |
Counts to flux (unabs) | 4.33 × 10-11 erg cm-2 ct-1 |
W-stat (dof) What's this? | 127.81 (182) |
Spectrum exposure | 3.4 ks |
The plots below show the probability density functions of the temporal and time-averaged spectral parameters for all GRBs, with the data for GRB 230805B shown on in colour. Click the images for larger versions.
For all plots, the solid vertical lines mark the values for this GRB, and the dashed lines the 1-σ uncertainties. For α and Tb, the colour changes for each phase. For the spectral parameters, the WT fits are shown in blue and the PC in red. These figures correspond to Figs. 5,6, 7a and 8a of Evans et al. (2009). See the PDF documentation for more information.
Temporal indices | Break Times | NH | Spectral indices |
The plots below show (α, β) scatter plots for each of the different types/phases of light curves (see light-curve types), since GRB 230805B is of type, "Unknown," which has no scatter plots of its own. GRB 230805B is shown in colour, with each light curve phase, or XRT mode marked by a different colour. α and β are the temporal and spectral energy power-law indices respectively. The shaded regions mark those allowed by the standard closure relationships. These figures correspond to Fig. 10 of Evans et al. (2009). See the closure relationship documentation for more information.