Last updated after receiving ObsID 00509337000, version 6
Data were analysed using HEASOFT version 6.32
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148 snapshots of PC data are unreliable because no centroid could be determined. 29 bins are affected and have been hidden [Why does this matter?]. List affected times/bins.
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For this burst, 1 count = 3.83 x 10-11 erg cm-2 (observed flux) (Automatic spectrum).
Note that this is an time-averaged conversion factor: the true value may evolve with time.
[What is this?][View systematics and position variation]
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The light curve below shows the unabsorbed luminosity in the GRB comoving frame 0.3-10 keV band. The assumed redshift is 0.677, the photon index is 1.724557266. The counts-to-unabsorbed flux conversion factor is 4.3 x 10-11 erg cm-2 ct-1. The full conversion from counts to luminosity, including distance and k-correction is 8.1 x 1046 erg ct-1. Details were taken from the -mode automated spectral fit Note that these are time-averaged values: the true properties may evolve with time.
[What is this?][View systematics and position variation]
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[What is this?][View systematics and position variation]
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[What is this?][View systematics and position variation]
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[What is this?][View systematics and position variation]
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View systematics and position variation
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Or download individual files: (Includes systematic error. Includes data with no WT centroid.)