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Swift Trigger: 999948;

Presumed name: GRB 201013A

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BAT 07h 09m 33.12s, +57° 02′ 09.6″
position:(107.388, +57.036 ± 180″)
XRT 07h 09m 34.20s, +57° 02′ 07.3″
position:(107.39249, 57.03537 ± 3.5″)
UVOT No position available.
Galactic NHI:4.59×100 cm-2
Galactic E(B-V):0.051 mag
Best RA:07h 09m 34.20s= 107.39249 d
Best Dec:+57° 02′ 07.3″= 57.03537 d
Gal Lat:24.89
Gal Long:159.66
Sun angle:97.13°, 6.1 hr West

1Sper #5 auto processing.

Galaxies within 3.33 of XRT position

RA*Dec*Redshift CatalogueQuery
5.0107.393857.0342NEDQuery vizier around this object
23.5107.391757.0419NEDQuery vizier around this object
29.9107.394457.0271B1=20.3, B2=20.7, I=19.1, R1=20.2, R2=19.8USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
30.5107.394257.0269NEDQuery vizier around this object
33.1107.375457.0350NEDQuery vizier around this object
36.0107.410857.0362B=18.7, R=20.0APM-NQuery vizier around this object
37.7107.385357.0451B2=20.8, R1=19.1USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
39.2107.410857.0308NEDQuery vizier around this object
46.1107.384257.0472NEDQuery vizier around this object
46.3107.389257.0228NEDQuery vizier around this object
48.1107.369657.0306NEDQuery vizier around this object
52.5107.389257.0208NEDQuery vizier around this object
53.1107.392357.0501B=20.3, R=19.9APM-NQuery vizier around this object
58.6107.369957.0247B=22.1, R=19.8APM-NQuery vizier around this object
58.7107.370057.0247NEDQuery vizier around this object
65.7107.362457.0434B1=20.3, R1=20.2USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
66.8107.398857.0172NEDQuery vizier around this object
66.9107.358357.0364NEDQuery vizier around this object
67.6107.392957.0542NEDQuery vizier around this object
67.9107.359257.0300NEDQuery vizier around this object
69.2107.387957.0544NEDQuery vizier around this object
70.4107.357157.0387B1=20.1, R2=20.1USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
72.9107.416957.0201B2=20.9, R1=20.0USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
75.5107.411157.0538B=21.6, R=20.0APM-NQuery vizier around this object
78.0107.429557.0273B2=21.8, R2=19.6USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
78.4107.417557.0183NEDQuery vizier around this object
79.9107.375357.0555B1=19.8, R1=19.7USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
80.1107.392557.0131NEDQuery vizier around this object
80.4107.375057.0556NEDQuery vizier around this object
80.5107.362157.0203NEDQuery vizier around this object
80.8107.375157.0557B=21.2, R=20.0APM-NQuery vizier around this object
82.9107.350057.0356NEDQuery vizier around this object
84.4107.353357.0256NEDQuery vizier around this object
85.6107.423257.0185I=17.1, R2=17.5USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
87.2107.377557.0125NEDQuery vizier around this object
87.5107.431157.0232I=18.9, R2=19.2USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
87.8107.424557.0183I=16.7, R2=17.3USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
88.4107.431357.0228I=18.8, R1=19.5, R2=19.8USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
88.6107.362157.0536NEDQuery vizier around this object
91.1107.438957.0365B=16.2, R=15.3APM-NQuery vizier around this object
91.9107.439457.0364B=16.0, R=15.6APM-NQuery vizier around this object
91.9107.439257.0358NEDQuery vizier around this object
93.3107.431257.0505B1=15.5, B2=15.9, I=14.3, R1=14.8, R2=14.7USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
94.1107.431757.0506NEDQuery vizier around this object
94.2107.436657.0458I=15.6, R1=19.4USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
94.6107.436357.0464NEDQuery vizier around this object
95.3107.400057.0092B1=20.5, B2=21.6USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
95.7107.433157.0206B1=19.6, R2=17.3USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
97.9107.384257.0622NEDQuery vizier around this object
98.2107.431757.0183NEDQuery vizier around this object
99.9107.355457.0164NEDQuery vizier around this object
101.0107.367657.0108B=18.4, R=17.2APM-NQuery vizier around this object
101.0107.350857.0186NEDQuery vizier around this object
101.3107.367957.0106B1=17.6, B2=18.1, I=17.2, R1=16.7, R2=17.6USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
101.6107.367957.0106NEDQuery vizier around this object
102.4107.432557.0172NEDQuery vizier around this object
102.4107.391257.0639NEDQuery vizier around this object
102.8107.364657.0597NEDQuery vizier around this object
103.0107.391457.0640B=21.8, R=19.4APM-NQuery vizier around this object
105.4107.445857.0325NEDQuery vizier around this object
106.1107.429857.0140B1=20.1, I=18.3, R1=17.6, R2=19.3USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
106.4107.437157.0185B2=20.4, R1=19.0USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
111.5107.440157.0184I=18.5, R2=19.6USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
112.4107.335457.0314NEDQuery vizier around this object
115.4107.376757.0044NEDQuery vizier around this object
116.5107.334657.0281NEDQuery vizier around this object
118.3107.450957.0270B=22.1, R=19.2APM-NQuery vizier around this object
118.3107.450857.0267NEDQuery vizier around this object
118.4107.450857.0433NEDQuery vizier around this object
118.7107.333557.0279B2=20.4, I=19.0, R1=20.3, R2=19.8USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
118.7107.451257.0435B=21.7, R=20.0APM-NQuery vizier around this object
119.1107.451457.0435B2=20.8, R1=20.1, R2=19.6USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
119.8107.417757.0657B2=20.9, I=18.9, R2=19.9USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
120.4107.417957.0658NEDQuery vizier around this object
121.4107.338357.0519NEDQuery vizier around this object
124.3107.330957.0438R1=19.6, R2=19.3USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
125.1107.349657.0611NEDQuery vizier around this object
125.4107.331757.0464NEDQuery vizier around this object
128.2107.337957.0550NEDQuery vizier around this object
128.7107.426857.0049B1=19.0, B2=19.4, I=18.8, R1=19.1, R2=18.7USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
128.9107.429657.0650NEDQuery vizier around this object
129.2107.407857.0703B2=21.5, R2=20.0USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
129.4107.336357.0164NEDQuery vizier around this object
131.2107.400356.9992I=19.0, R1=20.2USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
131.8107.445057.0583NEDQuery vizier around this object
132.3107.327957.0244NEDQuery vizier around this object
134.0107.327557.0470B1=19.8, I=18.4, R1=20.1USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
134.1107.405857.0719NEDQuery vizier around this object
134.3107.332457.0174B1=19.8, R2=20.0USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
135.2107.333557.0159B1=21.1, R2=20.0USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
135.2107.409956.9990B=22.2, R=17.1APM-NQuery vizier around this object
135.6107.407056.9985B1=20.1, R1=20.4USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
139.6107.383956.9969B1=21.1, I=19.0USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
139.7107.357157.0017NEDQuery vizier around this object
140.1107.407556.9972NEDQuery vizier around this object
140.6107.351757.0675NEDQuery vizier around this object
141.2107.431757.0683NEDQuery vizier around this object
141.9107.333757.0586NEDQuery vizier around this object
143.3107.319257.0331NEDQuery vizier around this object
144.1107.439557.0046B=18.1, R=16.5APM-NQuery vizier around this object
144.2107.346757.0669NEDQuery vizier around this object
144.8107.465857.0300NEDQuery vizier around this object
145.0107.440057.0044NEDQuery vizier around this object
145.2107.439957.0044B=17.6, R=16.7APM-NQuery vizier around this object
145.2107.440357.0045h=14.2, j=14.8, k=13.72MASSQuery vizier around this object
145.3107.466157.0305B1=20.4, B2=19.1USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
145.7107.466257.0301B=19.6, R=18.9APM-NQuery vizier around this object
150.1107.414656.9956NEDQuery vizier around this object
150.5107.352157.0708NEDQuery vizier around this object
150.7107.469457.0340B=21.6, R=18.9APM-NQuery vizier around this object
151.1107.469657.0336NEDQuery vizier around this object
151.2107.332957.0086NEDQuery vizier around this object
152.0107.315457.0297NEDQuery vizier around this object
152.9107.425056.9969NEDQuery vizier around this object
153.1107.345057.0017NEDQuery vizier around this object
153.5107.454457.0092B1=19.8, B2=19.9, I=18.7, R1=18.4, R2=18.8USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
153.5107.366757.0756NEDQuery vizier around this object
153.5107.404656.9933NEDQuery vizier around this object
153.8107.314357.0314B=21.2, R=20.0APM-NQuery vizier around this object
154.5107.314657.0428NEDQuery vizier around this object
154.8107.315057.0442NEDQuery vizier around this object
155.0107.451757.0069NEDQuery vizier around this object
156.1107.315457.0239NEDQuery vizier around this object
156.2107.315457.0243B=21.8, R=18.7APM-NQuery vizier around this object
156.9107.326357.0597NEDQuery vizier around this object
157.5107.343357.0007B1=20.5, R2=20.1USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
157.5107.315457.0229B1=20.4, I=19.1USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
157.8107.325957.0600B=19.4, R=17.8APM-NQuery vizier around this object
157.8107.466357.0531NEDQuery vizier around this object
158.5107.400056.9914NEDQuery vizier around this object
158.7107.318357.0175NEDQuery vizier around this object
159.3107.422657.0765B1=19.1, B2=21.1USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
160.2107.449657.0672NEDQuery vizier around this object
162.2107.473757.0269NEDQuery vizier around this object
162.3107.474057.0273B=20.5, R=18.6APM-NQuery vizier around this object
162.9107.472657.0476B2=20.3, I=19.1, R2=20.2USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
163.3107.406357.0800NEDQuery vizier around this object
163.7107.452657.0038B2=21.4, I=18.4, R2=19.9USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
163.7107.407956.9906NEDQuery vizier around this object
163.8107.317557.0556NEDQuery vizier around this object
164.1107.335057.0686NEDQuery vizier around this object
164.2107.325057.0625NEDQuery vizier around this object
164.3107.330057.0661NEDQuery vizier around this object
164.5107.325057.0626B=22.1, R=18.8APM-NQuery vizier around this object
164.8107.408256.9904R1=20.0, R2=20.0USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
164.9107.419256.9919NEDQuery vizier around this object
165.0107.340057.0711NEDQuery vizier around this object
166.0107.476757.0308NEDQuery vizier around this object
166.0107.348357.0747NEDQuery vizier around this object
166.1107.477357.0346B=20.3, R=19.8APM-NQuery vizier around this object
166.8107.318857.0122I=19.0, R1=19.3USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
168.2107.308857.0249B=22.1, R=19.7APM-NQuery vizier around this object
168.7107.365857.0800NEDQuery vizier around this object
169.0107.451657.0012I=18.9, R2=20.4USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
169.2107.451757.0011NEDQuery vizier around this object
169.5107.475057.0494NEDQuery vizier around this object
170.4107.310057.0503NEDQuery vizier around this object
171.2107.428857.0786NEDQuery vizier around this object
171.4107.428757.0787B2=20.0, I=17.2, R1=18.3, R2=18.5USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
171.9107.421657.0804B2=21.6, I=19.3, R1=19.7, R2=20.2USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
172.1107.394656.9875NEDQuery vizier around this object
173.1107.421857.0807B2=20.1, R1=20.1USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
173.2107.319257.0086NEDQuery vizier around this object
173.4107.303857.0342NEDQuery vizier around this object
173.5107.351356.9928NEDQuery vizier around this object
173.9107.420456.9894NEDQuery vizier around this object
174.1107.303857.0344NEDQuery vizier around this object
175.2107.303957.0422B=21.4, R=20.0APM-NQuery vizier around this object
175.2107.481757.0353NEDQuery vizier around this object
175.3107.433956.9922B1=19.5, I=18.8, R1=18.6USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
175.9107.434256.9922NEDQuery vizier around this object
177.5107.434956.9918B=21.0, R=20.0APM-NQuery vizier around this object
179.7107.322157.0033NEDQuery vizier around this object
180.2107.308857.0147NEDQuery vizier around this object
180.3107.456856.9996B=21.6, R=20.0APM-NQuery vizier around this object
181.1107.485057.0375NEDQuery vizier around this object
182.8107.380457.0858NEDQuery vizier around this object
183.6107.473357.0614NEDQuery vizier around this object
184.1107.302957.0508NEDQuery vizier around this object
184.3107.298357.0383NEDQuery vizier around this object
184.3107.380657.0862B=22.1, R=19.2APM-NQuery vizier around this object
184.4107.461357.0003NEDQuery vizier around this object
185.8107.444557.0785B1=20.5, B2=21.7, R1=19.9USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
187.3107.351756.9883NEDQuery vizier around this object
188.2107.482657.0535B=21.8, R=20.0APM-NQuery vizier around this object
188.5107.422157.0853NEDQuery vizier around this object
188.7107.481157.0148B=22.0, R=20.0APM-NQuery vizier around this object
189.2107.295857.0319NEDQuery vizier around this object
190.9107.307957.0089NEDQuery vizier around this object
191.4107.307757.0090B=22.1, R=19.1APM-NQuery vizier around this object
191.5107.316357.0021B1=20.1, B2=20.4, R2=19.7USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
191.9107.387557.0886NEDQuery vizier around this object
191.9107.316057.0020B=21.6, R=20.0APM-NQuery vizier around this object
192.0107.478557.0610B2=20.8, I=19.0USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
192.2107.443357.0811NEDQuery vizier around this object
193.4107.322957.0736NEDQuery vizier around this object
193.6107.489657.0456NEDQuery vizier around this object
194.5107.470057.0017NEDQuery vizier around this object
194.5107.469657.0014NEDQuery vizier around this object
195.1107.412956.9822NEDQuery vizier around this object
195.3107.487057.0181B1=20.2, B2=20.5, I=19.0, R1=20.2, R2=19.8USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
195.4107.412056.9821B=20.3, R=19.0APM-NQuery vizier around this object
195.5107.485057.0150B1=20.4, B2=20.9, R2=20.2USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
195.7107.412456.9821B=22.2, R=19.3APM-NQuery vizier around this object
196.2107.296757.0192NEDQuery vizier around this object
196.3107.296857.0192B2=21.6, R2=20.3USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
196.3107.447557.0808NEDQuery vizier around this object
196.4107.297557.0533NEDQuery vizier around this object
196.6107.294657.0231NEDQuery vizier around this object
197.3107.420356.9827B=21.8, R=19.0APM-NQuery vizier around this object
197.3107.324256.9953NEDQuery vizier around this object
197.9107.420056.9825NEDQuery vizier around this object
198.3107.491257.0476B1=20.7, I=19.0USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
198.4107.485857.0139B2=21.6, R1=20.0USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
198.5107.382956.9806NEDQuery vizier around this object
199.7107.346757.0850NEDQuery vizier around this object


* RA/Dec in equinox J2000

Magnitudes depend on the catalogue. e.g. For Sloan, R is the Sloan r mag, not the Johnson R from APM, for example