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Swift Trigger: 556870;

Presumed name: GRB 130528A

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BAT 09h 15m 38.64s, +87° 16′ 33.6″
position:(138.911, +87.276 ± 180″)
XRT 09h 18m 01.18s, +87° 18′ 03.2″
position:(139.5049, 87.3009 ± 2.1″)
UVOT No position available.
Galactic NHI:5.18×1020 cm-2
Galactic E(B-V):NED unavailable
Best RA:09h 18m 01.18s= 139.5049 d
Best Dec:+87° 18′ 03.2″= 87.3009 d
Gal Lat:28.72
Gal Long:125.4
Sun angle:67.71°, -5.0 hr East of Sun

1Sper #3 auto processing.

Galaxies within 3.33 of XRT position

RA*Dec*Redshift CatalogueQuery
33.6139.539787.2917B1=20.6, B2=20.4, I=19.0, R1=19.8, R2=19.7USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
44.5139.381787.2900B=21.6, R=18.8APM-NQuery vizier around this object
45.0139.380987.2899B1=20.8, B2=20.8, I=17.9, R1=18.5, R2=19.0USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
47.9139.400087.2886R1=20.0, R2=19.7USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
49.0139.745087.3085B=20.4, R=20.0APM-NQuery vizier around this object
57.1139.841087.2998B1=20.9, R1=19.6, R2=19.6USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
68.8139.844487.2905B=21.3, R=20.0APM-NQuery vizier around this object
73.5139.438087.2807B1=21.1, B2=20.8USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
76.6139.737087.2827I=18.0, R1=19.8USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
82.3139.966187.3081B=20.6, R=19.1APM-NQuery vizier around this object
82.4139.723387.3214B1=20.8, R2=19.6USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
82.9139.971587.3079R1=19.3, R2=19.6USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
87.3140.019687.3019I=18.7, R1=19.8USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
89.8139.969787.3129B=21.3, R=18.9APM-NQuery vizier around this object
94.5139.628087.2753B=21.3, R=15.9APM-NQuery vizier around this object
96.6138.988387.2897B=21.6, R=20.0APM-NQuery vizier around this object
97.4139.685287.2752I=18.2, R2=17.1USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
103.8139.038387.3197I=18.3, R1=18.1USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
116.5138.919787.2841B=21.6, R=19.8APM-NQuery vizier around this object
116.6138.817787.3025B2=19.3, R2=17.1USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
117.0139.542887.2685I=18.6, R2=19.6USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
120.0140.085487.2820B=20.3, R=17.6APM-NQuery vizier around this object
120.0140.081087.2817B=20.5, R=18.4APM-NQuery vizier around this object
120.1140.093087.2824B1=20.4, R2=19.7USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
121.6138.959387.2791B=20.5, R=18.8APM-NQuery vizier around this object
122.4138.956787.2789B=20.9, R=18.7APM-NQuery vizier around this object
123.9138.940287.2792B1=20.7, B2=20.8, I=18.3USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
124.2139.697387.3342R1=20.0, R2=19.0USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
127.9139.363387.2660B2=20.4, I=18.5USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
137.7139.856987.2665B=21.6, R=19.6APM-NQuery vizier around this object
142.7138.673887.3075B1=21.0, B2=21.4, I=18.2USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
143.1138.671787.3075B=21.3, R=19.2APM-NQuery vizier around this object
144.1140.236987.3215I=18.3, R1=19.7, R2=19.7USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
144.5140.329087.3115B1=17.6, B2=17.2, I=15.5, R1=16.1, R2=16.0USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
145.4140.218487.3235B1=20.9, I=18.7, R2=19.8USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
149.8140.383587.2969B1=21.0, B2=21.2USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
155.6139.808387.3417B=21.6, R=17.6APM-NQuery vizier around this object
158.9139.881687.3414B=21.6, R=19.2APM-NQuery vizier around this object
163.7138.728087.2741B1=20.9, B2=21.4, R2=19.7USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
164.7139.182487.2578B1=21.0, I=18.8, R2=15.6USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
165.2139.848987.3439B=20.6, R=19.8APM-NQuery vizier around this object
165.5139.853687.3439B1=20.6, B2=20.4, I=18.2, R2=18.8USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
165.6139.859887.3438B1=20.5, B2=20.1USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
165.9139.849487.3441B=21.6, R=19.1APM-NQuery vizier around this object
171.7139.147487.3456B1=21.1, I=18.3USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
173.0140.328587.3296B=21.3, R=18.2APM-NQuery vizier around this object
173.9140.332887.3297B=20.8, R=17.7APM-NQuery vizier around this object
174.0139.101187.2565B=19.4, R=20.0APM-NQuery vizier around this object
177.7139.175987.3478I=18.3, R1=19.8, R2=19.8USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
178.3138.596287.3262B1=20.9, R1=19.8USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
178.5139.175587.3480B1=20.9, I=18.4USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
179.6139.962287.2560B1=20.7, R2=13.8USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
181.1140.485687.3213B=20.1, R=18.4APM-NQuery vizier around this object
188.7138.450887.3182B=19.5, R=20.0APM-NQuery vizier around this object
190.4139.618787.2483B=19.0, R=20.0APM-NQuery vizier around this object
191.5140.618487.3103B=21.6, R=19.9APM-NQuery vizier around this object
193.7138.386687.2904R1=19.9, R2=19.4USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
193.8138.362287.3000B=21.3, R=17.8APM-NQuery vizier around this object
199.4139.495787.2455B=21.6, R=19.9APM-NQuery vizier around this object


* RA/Dec in equinox J2000

Magnitudes depend on the catalogue. e.g. For Sloan, R is the Sloan r mag, not the Johnson R from APM, for example