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Swift Trigger: 1031297;

Presumed name: GRB 210207B

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BAT 18h 02m 19.68s, +53° 41′ 38.4″
position:(270.582, +53.694 ± 180″)
XRT 18h 02m 32.54s, +53° 41′ 01.0″
position:(270.6356, 53.6836 ± 4.7″)
UVOT 18h 02m 32.40s, +53° 40′ 55.9″
position:(270.6350, +53.6822 ± 0.7″)
Galactic NHI:3.11×100 cm-2
Galactic E(B-V):0.037 mag
Best RA:18h 02m 32.40s= 270.6350 d
Best Dec:+53° 40′ 55.9″= +53.6822 d
Gal Lat:28.62
Gal Long:81.68
Sun angle:81.35°, 3.4 hr West

1Sper #0 auto processing.

Galaxies within 3.33 of UVOT position

RA*Dec*Redshift CatalogueQuery
9.5270.632053.6803B1=20.7, B2=21.3, I=18.5, R2=19.4USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
9.7270.631753.6803NEDQuery vizier around this object
9.8270.631753.6803B=20.9, R=19.2APM-NQuery vizier around this object
16.6270.642553.6825NEDQuery vizier around this object
19.1270.635453.6875NEDQuery vizier around this object
25.0270.625453.6781NEDQuery vizier around this object
28.7270.648353.6828NEDQuery vizier around this object
33.4270.619653.6806NEDQuery vizier around this object
33.5270.645453.6753NEDQuery vizier around this object
33.8270.632153.6731NEDQuery vizier around this object
38.5270.650853.6769NEDQuery vizier around this object
39.1270.626353.6917NEDQuery vizier around this object
45.3270.651753.6900NEDQuery vizier around this object
48.1270.647553.6933NEDQuery vizier around this object
49.1270.639253.6956NEDQuery vizier around this object
49.4270.618853.6922NEDQuery vizier around this object
50.6270.639653.6683NEDQuery vizier around this object
50.7270.645853.6697NEDQuery vizier around this object
53.6270.653853.6725NEDQuery vizier around this object
54.2270.644253.6961NEDQuery vizier around this object
54.5270.660053.6800NEDQuery vizier around this object
56.1270.656153.6729B1=20.7, B2=21.1, R2=19.7USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
56.2270.658053.6898B=21.0, R=18.3APM-NQuery vizier around this object
56.3270.657953.6897NEDQuery vizier around this object
56.8270.620853.6686NEDQuery vizier around this object
57.2270.608753.6789NEDQuery vizier around this object
57.3270.620753.6687B=17.9, R=17.2APM-NQuery vizier around this object
59.8270.662553.6853NEDQuery vizier around this object
60.2270.627953.6661NEDQuery vizier around this object
60.5270.608353.6881NEDQuery vizier around this object
62.8270.664253.6822NEDQuery vizier around this object
63.9270.645053.6989NEDQuery vizier around this object
64.4270.652253.6969B=21.8, R=20.0APM-NQuery vizier around this object
65.6270.640053.7003NEDQuery vizier around this object
65.8270.619653.6981NEDQuery vizier around this object
67.0270.604253.6783NEDQuery vizier around this object
68.8270.608753.6711NEDQuery vizier around this object
69.3270.633853.6631NEDQuery vizier around this object
70.3270.664253.6733NEDQuery vizier around this object
71.9270.667553.6772NEDQuery vizier around this object
72.1270.630853.6622NEDQuery vizier around this object
72.6270.667953.6875NEDQuery vizier around this object
73.2270.633853.6619NEDQuery vizier around this object
73.2270.616753.6650NEDQuery vizier around this object
74.8270.611353.6669NEDQuery vizier around this object
76.6270.600053.6769NEDQuery vizier around this object
77.7270.620053.6625NEDQuery vizier around this object
78.9270.638253.6604B=19.8, R=18.2APM-NQuery vizier around this object
80.3270.597553.6789NEDQuery vizier around this object
80.9270.624053.6607B1=20.8, R2=19.8USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
80.9270.602553.6939NEDQuery vizier around this object
81.4270.642153.6600NEDQuery vizier around this object
82.0270.623853.6603NEDQuery vizier around this object
82.0270.605453.6678NEDQuery vizier around this object
82.4270.635853.6594NEDQuery vizier around this object
82.9270.596253.6842NEDQuery vizier around this object
82.9270.664253.6972NEDQuery vizier around this object
88.0270.632853.6578B=21.8, R=19.3APM-NQuery vizier around this object
88.5270.633253.6576I=18.4, R1=19.4, R2=19.2USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
88.6270.633353.6575NEDQuery vizier around this object
90.3270.592953.6858NEDQuery vizier around this object
90.7270.597953.6699B2=21.5, R1=19.4, R2=19.8USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
90.8270.594253.6750NEDQuery vizier around this object
90.8270.667553.6986NEDQuery vizier around this object
90.8270.598253.6695B=21.8, R=19.4APM-NQuery vizier around this object
91.3270.677153.6858NEDQuery vizier around this object
91.3270.597553.6697NEDQuery vizier around this object
91.4270.599653.6679B1=20.8, R2=18.9USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
92.8270.597153.6947NEDQuery vizier around this object
94.3270.609653.6606NEDQuery vizier around this object
95.2270.656353.6589NEDQuery vizier around this object
95.6270.606353.7028NEDQuery vizier around this object
96.0270.679253.6770B=21.8, R=19.2APM-NQuery vizier around this object
96.1270.679253.6769NEDQuery vizier around this object
98.0270.676353.6703B1=20.7, B2=21.9USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
99.9270.665853.6614NEDQuery vizier around this object
100.0270.609253.7053NEDQuery vizier around this object
101.7270.669953.6629B=20.7, R=19.2APM-NQuery vizier around this object
104.3270.604653.6594NEDQuery vizier around this object
104.3270.673853.6644NEDQuery vizier around this object
104.8270.647953.7103NEDQuery vizier around this object
104.9270.604453.7050B=20.6, R=18.5APM-NQuery vizier around this object
105.5270.655853.7088B=21.7, R=18.8APM-NQuery vizier around this object
105.8270.655853.7089NEDQuery vizier around this object
106.0270.591753.6967NEDQuery vizier around this object
106.2270.656053.7089B1=20.8, B2=21.0, I=18.2, R2=19.4USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
106.6270.640853.6528NEDQuery vizier around this object
107.0270.671753.7025NEDQuery vizier around this object
107.2270.671553.7027B2=22.0, I=16.6, R1=19.3, R2=19.4USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
108.4270.684253.6900NEDQuery vizier around this object
110.9270.667953.7060B2=20.6, I=18.5, R2=19.4USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
110.9270.667953.7061NEDQuery vizier around this object
111.1270.675753.7015B=20.0, R=18.6APM-NQuery vizier around this object
111.4270.584053.6889B=21.8, R=20.0APM-NQuery vizier around this object
111.4270.668053.7062B=21.8, R=19.1APM-NQuery vizier around this object
111.5270.625053.6518B=21.4, R=18.3APM-NQuery vizier around this object
111.8270.625053.6517NEDQuery vizier around this object
112.2270.676353.7017NEDQuery vizier around this object
112.2270.665053.6567NEDQuery vizier around this object
112.4270.586753.6944NEDQuery vizier around this object
113.0270.654253.6531NEDQuery vizier around this object
113.2270.582053.6805B=21.8, R=19.9APM-NQuery vizier around this object
113.4270.627953.7133NEDQuery vizier around this object
114.9270.685453.6936NEDQuery vizier around this object
115.2270.660453.7103NEDQuery vizier around this object
115.5270.582953.6733NEDQuery vizier around this object
115.9270.635053.6500NEDQuery vizier around this object
116.0270.604253.6556B1=20.8, R1=19.6USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
116.3270.688353.6756NEDQuery vizier around this object
116.9270.605153.6550B1=20.6, B2=20.0, I=17.4, R1=18.8, R2=18.4USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
117.0270.608553.6537B=21.8, R=19.6APM-NQuery vizier around this object
117.1270.604953.6550B=20.4, R=18.2APM-NQuery vizier around this object
117.2270.605053.6550NEDQuery vizier around this object
117.5270.582553.6722NEDQuery vizier around this object
117.7270.612553.6522NEDQuery vizier around this object
118.2270.592953.7036NEDQuery vizier around this object
119.0270.598353.7072NEDQuery vizier around this object
119.9270.686753.6694NEDQuery vizier around this object
120.3270.675053.6589NEDQuery vizier around this object
120.6270.691353.6856NEDQuery vizier around this object
121.0270.590853.6612B1=20.8, R1=19.8USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
121.1270.596753.6572NEDQuery vizier around this object
121.1270.590853.6611NEDQuery vizier around this object
123.0270.577553.6842NEDQuery vizier around this object
123.1270.692453.6858B1=19.2, B2=17.4, I=14.3, R1=16.6USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
123.4270.692653.6858B=19.0, R=15.6APM-NQuery vizier around this object
124.6270.682553.7022NEDQuery vizier around this object
124.6270.602153.7108NEDQuery vizier around this object
124.8270.682853.7022B=19.9, R=17.2APM-NQuery vizier around this object
124.9270.693353.6858NEDQuery vizier around this object
125.5270.693553.6859h=14.2, j=14.9, k=13.52MASSQuery vizier around this object
125.7270.605953.7126I=18.6, R1=19.7, R2=19.8USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
125.9270.672153.6550NEDQuery vizier around this object
126.2270.645053.7167NEDQuery vizier around this object
126.4270.605853.7128NEDQuery vizier around this object
127.3270.609653.6503NEDQuery vizier around this object
128.8270.579653.6967NEDQuery vizier around this object
130.1270.693853.6922NEDQuery vizier around this object
130.3270.665053.7137B1=20.4, B2=20.8, I=16.9, R1=18.3, R2=18.4USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
130.6270.665053.7136NEDQuery vizier around this object
131.5270.648353.6467NEDQuery vizier around this object
131.9270.624653.6461NEDQuery vizier around this object
132.2270.624553.6460B=21.4, R=18.4APM-NQuery vizier around this object
132.7270.607153.7153NEDQuery vizier around this object
133.1270.659253.6481NEDQuery vizier around this object
133.7270.630453.7192NEDQuery vizier around this object
133.8270.630353.7193B=17.0, R=16.0APM-NQuery vizier around this object
134.5270.681353.6567NEDQuery vizier around this object
135.3270.692953.6669NEDQuery vizier around this object
136.3270.599653.6506NEDQuery vizier around this object
136.6270.579653.6631NEDQuery vizier around this object
136.8270.637253.7202B1=20.1, B2=20.7, I=17.9, R1=18.3, R2=18.6USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
137.0270.637053.7202B=20.2, R=17.7APM-NQuery vizier around this object
137.1270.610453.7175NEDQuery vizier around this object
137.2270.637153.7203NEDQuery vizier around this object
137.2270.699253.6850NEDQuery vizier around this object
138.5270.591353.6539NEDQuery vizier around this object
139.7270.660753.6465B2=22.0, R2=19.8USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
139.7270.657553.6458NEDQuery vizier around this object
139.9270.614253.6453NEDQuery vizier around this object
140.4270.645853.6439NEDQuery vizier around this object
141.1270.698353.6714NEDQuery vizier around this object
141.1270.570053.6742NEDQuery vizier around this object
141.2270.614053.6450B1=20.4, B2=20.6, I=18.4, R1=19.7, R2=19.4USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
141.4270.570053.6742B=21.8, R=18.6APM-NQuery vizier around this object
141.7270.581753.7058NEDQuery vizier around this object
143.1270.694653.7003NEDQuery vizier around this object
143.1270.576353.7014NEDQuery vizier around this object
143.1270.680053.6528NEDQuery vizier around this object
143.5270.626353.6428NEDQuery vizier around this object
145.7270.670853.6478NEDQuery vizier around this object
145.8270.566753.6842NEDQuery vizier around this object
146.0270.570953.6966B1=20.6, B2=21.4, R2=19.7USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
146.5270.582953.6558NEDQuery vizier around this object
147.0270.640853.6414NEDQuery vizier around this object
147.1270.672153.7167NEDQuery vizier around this object
147.4270.672153.7167B=19.7, R=17.3APM-NQuery vizier around this object
147.6270.582253.6557B=21.8, R=19.3APM-NQuery vizier around this object
148.4270.580853.7083NEDQuery vizier around this object
148.5270.601853.7185B1=19.5, B2=19.1, I=16.7, R1=18.1, R2=17.6USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
148.5270.704153.6874B=20.3, R=18.6APM-NQuery vizier around this object
148.7270.601553.7184B=20.0, R=17.7APM-NQuery vizier around this object
148.9270.602553.7189NEDQuery vizier around this object
148.9270.702953.6914NEDQuery vizier around this object
150.4270.705053.6878NEDQuery vizier around this object
150.9270.654253.7225B=21.3, R=20.0APM-NQuery vizier around this object
151.7270.691753.6569NEDQuery vizier around this object
151.7270.630053.6402B1=17.9, B2=17.9, I=16.0, R1=16.9, R2=17.2USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
151.7270.633353.7244NEDQuery vizier around this object
151.8270.687553.6539NEDQuery vizier around this object
151.8270.586453.7130B=20.6, R=19.3APM-NQuery vizier around this object
151.9270.654253.7228NEDQuery vizier around this object
152.1270.622153.7236NEDQuery vizier around this object
152.2270.586353.7133NEDQuery vizier around this object
152.2270.630053.6400NEDQuery vizier around this object
152.9270.603353.6442NEDQuery vizier around this object
153.1270.585053.6517NEDQuery vizier around this object
153.4270.592953.7169NEDQuery vizier around this object
153.5270.593253.7169B2=21.5, I=17.8, R1=19.3, R2=19.1USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
154.2270.654253.6408NEDQuery vizier around this object
154.4270.580853.7106NEDQuery vizier around this object
155.6270.562153.6811NEDQuery vizier around this object
155.7270.615053.6406NEDQuery vizier around this object
156.3270.593453.6464B=19.4, R=16.3APM-NQuery vizier around this object
156.4270.690453.7106NEDQuery vizier around this object
158.0270.592553.6461NEDQuery vizier around this object
158.0270.691353.6536NEDQuery vizier around this object
158.2270.620053.6392NEDQuery vizier around this object
158.9270.638353.7264NEDQuery vizier around this object
159.1270.698853.6594NEDQuery vizier around this object
159.2270.562553.6928NEDQuery vizier around this object
160.4270.560053.6850NEDQuery vizier around this object
160.5270.590053.7181NEDQuery vizier around this object
161.7270.615053.7256NEDQuery vizier around this object
162.2270.625453.7269NEDQuery vizier around this object
162.8270.652953.7261NEDQuery vizier around this object
164.1270.566753.7033NEDQuery vizier around this object
164.5270.664653.7244NEDQuery vizier around this object
164.6270.661753.6394NEDQuery vizier around this object
164.9270.661853.6392B=21.8, R=19.6APM-NQuery vizier around this object
165.5270.712553.6800NEDQuery vizier around this object
165.6270.563353.7000NEDQuery vizier around this object
166.1270.591553.6439B1=20.8, B2=21.8, I=18.5, R2=19.5USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
166.2270.712953.6833NEDQuery vizier around this object
166.9270.688853.6486NEDQuery vizier around this object
168.0270.689353.6484B=21.8, R=19.5APM-NQuery vizier around this object
169.2270.595453.6414NEDQuery vizier around this object
170.2270.702153.7078NEDQuery vizier around this object
170.3270.674253.6411NEDQuery vizier around this object
171.2270.680053.7217NEDQuery vizier around this object
171.4270.595453.7236NEDQuery vizier around this object
171.8270.585053.7197NEDQuery vizier around this object
171.9270.642953.6347NEDQuery vizier around this object
172.1270.698353.6528NEDQuery vizier around this object
172.2270.698253.6525B=15.6, R=14.3APM-NQuery vizier around this object
172.8270.670053.6389NEDQuery vizier around this object
173.6270.713353.6953NEDQuery vizier around this object
175.2270.602953.6375NEDQuery vizier around this object
175.4270.689953.7185I=18.7, R2=19.7USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
175.4270.690053.7183NEDQuery vizier around this object
175.7270.661753.7283NEDQuery vizier around this object
175.8270.553853.6903NEDQuery vizier around this object
176.2270.571853.6507I=18.8, R2=19.7USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
176.2270.625453.7308NEDQuery vizier around this object
176.5270.631353.7311NEDQuery vizier around this object
176.8270.552153.6803NEDQuery vizier around this object
176.8270.712153.6642NEDQuery vizier around this object
177.2270.571753.6503NEDQuery vizier around this object
177.3270.712353.6641B2=22.1, R2=19.7USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
177.7270.552153.6767NEDQuery vizier around this object
177.8270.555853.6981NEDQuery vizier around this object
178.7270.600053.7272NEDQuery vizier around this object
178.7270.671253.7269NEDQuery vizier around this object
179.3270.589253.7239NEDQuery vizier around this object
179.9270.717953.6739NEDQuery vizier around this object
180.7270.554353.6975B=19.1, R=20.0APM-NQuery vizier around this object
180.7270.553853.6969NEDQuery vizier around this object
181.1270.719953.6819B=21.7, R=19.3APM-NQuery vizier around this object
181.3270.670453.7280B1=20.8, B2=21.9, R2=19.7USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
181.6270.650453.6325NEDQuery vizier around this object
181.7270.720053.6819NEDQuery vizier around this object
181.8270.564253.7103NEDQuery vizier around this object
181.9270.597653.6368B=21.8, R=19.9APM-NQuery vizier around this object
183.4270.696753.6467NEDQuery vizier around this object
183.5270.559653.7067NEDQuery vizier around this object
184.4270.555053.7017NEDQuery vizier around this object
184.6270.717553.6972NEDQuery vizier around this object
185.0270.607953.6333NEDQuery vizier around this object
186.4270.616753.7328NEDQuery vizier around this object
186.7270.721253.6728NEDQuery vizier around this object
188.1270.698853.7181NEDQuery vizier around this object
188.1270.709653.6542NEDQuery vizier around this object
188.7270.577153.6426B=21.6, R=19.7APM-NQuery vizier around this object
188.9270.706353.7133NEDQuery vizier around this object
189.2270.576753.6425NEDQuery vizier around this object
189.5270.655853.6311NEDQuery vizier around this object
189.9270.710853.7097NEDQuery vizier around this object
190.9270.722953.6928NEDQuery vizier around this object
191.2270.705053.6492NEDQuery vizier around this object
192.1270.548853.6978NEDQuery vizier around this object
192.3270.717253.7043B1=20.6, B2=20.3USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
192.8270.717053.7048B=19.5, R=17.6APM-NQuery vizier around this object
193.0270.717153.7047NEDQuery vizier around this object
193.0270.696353.7217NEDQuery vizier around this object
193.1270.724653.6897NEDQuery vizier around this object
193.3270.679653.7289NEDQuery vizier around this object
193.4270.724953.6896R1=19.6, R2=19.8USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
193.5270.724953.6894B=21.8, R=19.4APM-NQuery vizier around this object
193.5270.590453.6353NEDQuery vizier around this object
193.8270.610053.7339NEDQuery vizier around this object
194.2270.657153.7344NEDQuery vizier around this object
194.3270.550053.7017NEDQuery vizier around this object
194.4270.595853.6333NEDQuery vizier around this object
194.7270.566453.7179I=18.2, R1=19.7, R2=19.7USNO-B1Query vizier around this object
194.9270.672553.7314NEDQuery vizier around this object
195.0270.566353.7178NEDQuery vizier around this object
195.1270.723353.6681NEDQuery vizier around this object
195.2270.560053.6508NEDQuery vizier around this object
195.4270.694653.6408NEDQuery vizier around this object
195.5270.560053.6508NEDQuery vizier around this object
196.7270.569253.7206NEDQuery vizier around this object
196.8270.578353.7253NEDQuery vizier around this object
196.9270.577553.6394NEDQuery vizier around this object
198.5270.670053.6311NEDQuery vizier around this object
198.5270.639653.6272NEDQuery vizier around this object
199.5270.703853.6447NEDQuery vizier around this object
199.5270.541753.6856NEDQuery vizier around this object


* RA/Dec in equinox J2000

Magnitudes depend on the catalogue. e.g. For Sloan, R is the Sloan r mag, not the Johnson R from APM, for example