GRB 140622A
Last updated using ObsID 00602278000, version 5;
Data were analysed using HEASOFT version 6.32
From 2016 January, the light curve plots support interactive zooming and exploring. See the jsPlot
documentation for details.
Also, from the same date, the first plot on this page is the observed flux
in the native band of each instrument (including UVOT where available).
Jump to: Observed flux | BAT+XRT | BAT | XRT | BAT no evolution.
Downloads: BAT spectral evolution data | XRT spectral evolution data | All files for this object: [tar][tar.gz][zip].
The BAT spectrum was fitted with a cut-off power-law. The cutoff energy was 16.1 keV and was not allowed to evolve. See caveats for details.
All data uses absorption NH=0.055 × 1022 cm-2 at z=0.
(Source: the XRT spectrum repository).
Show Observed Flux hardness ratio.
■ XRT (all modes)
Show full observed flux Observed flux density plot controls.
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Show full BAT-XRT Flux density at 10 keV plot controls.
Generate postscript plot | Data file.
Show full BAT Flux density at 10 keV plot controls.
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Show full XRT Flux density at 10 keV plot controls.
Generate postscript plot | Data file.
The fit to the T90 spectrum was used to create the plots in this section.
T90 was 0.13, from -0.01 to 0.11
The spectral fit used was a cut-off power-law with photon index: -0.39 and cut-off energy 16.1 keV.
Count-rate light curves are available from GCN.
Show full BAT, no spectral evolution Flux density at 10 keV plot controls.
Generate postscript plot | Data file.