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GRB 240527B — Source 7 (SWIFT J083236.9-142613)

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Image of the XRT detection

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Image of the LC


Image of the spectrum

Enhanced position

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This source has been manually confirmed as the GRB afterglow so these products are no longer updated. The up-to-date data for the afterglow are now available through the main GRB results area for this GRB.

Source details
Rank/Classification: 2: Outbursting source
RA (J2000):08h 32m 36.93s (= 128.15387°)
Dec (J2000):-14° 26′ 14.6″ (= -14.4374°)
Error (radius, 90%):2.0″ (enhanced position)
Detection flag:Good
XRT exposure:5.2 ks (vignetting corrected)
Peak rate:0.92 (±0.21) ct s-1
Peak flux:3.9 (±0.9) ×10-11 erg cm-2 s-1
Mean rate:0.546 (±0.018) ct s-1
Mean flux:2.35 (±0.08) ×10-11 erg cm-2 s-1
The source is fading with 4.1-σ significance
Has spectral fit?Yes
NH 5.68 × 1020 cm-2
Γ 1.70
Database ID:1157
Possible issues:
Optical Loading: No warning (automatic)
Stray Light: No warning (automatic)
Extended Emission: No warning (automatic)
Catalogue information
Known X-ray emitter?No. Get XMM upper limit
Rass upper limit20.033 ct s-1
Obs rate/Rass UL4.3 σ
Fading? Yes (4.1-σ difference between at least one detection and a later detection or upper limit).
Near 2MASS source? No
Near SIMBAD source?No.
Catalogue SearchCone search radius 6″ Vizier | Simbad | NED | X-ray master | LSXPS | 3XMM-DR5

All XRT count rates and fluxes are 0.3—10 keV
1Catalogued count-rates have been converted to XRT equivalents.
2Catalogued upper limits and fluxes have been converted to the XRT equivalent using the automatic power-law spectral fit described above.