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Observation 00082082003

Field flag:Good — no warnings
Central position:RA=15h 22m 15.22s, Dec=+29° 50′ 23.6″ (J2000) (view as decimal)
Observed between:2013-08-27 12:09:25 UT and 2013-08-27 12:20:47 UT
Exposure:682 s (681 s raw)
Number of snapshots:1
Number of sources:0 (Show all bands)
Total band: 0
Soft band: 0
Medium band:0
Hard band: 0
Mean background rate:8.21×10-7 ct s-1 pixel-1 (Show all bands)
Total band: 8.21×10-7
Soft band: 3.39×10-7
Medium band:2.01×10-7
Hard band: 2.74×10-7
In stacked image:#10000004351


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