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Catalogue XRT results for GRB 060729

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Summary Information

RA:06h 21m 31.79sLC breaks:5
Dec:-62° 22′ 12.4′′LC type:Canonical.
Err:1.4′′NH,intr.:7.17×1020 cm-2
Gal long:271.790Redshift0.54
Gal lat:-27.238Γ1.9
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Jump to: Light curve | Spectra | Compare to other bursts.

If you use any of these data, please cite Evans et al. (2009), which describes how these products were created (see the usage policy for more information).

Light curve

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This light curve comes from the light curve repository (if you use it, please cite Evans et al [2007, 2009]. Flares, marked by cross-hatched regions, are identified automatically, but may have been manually corrected. These are excluded from the fit. Any power-law breaks added to the fit must be required at the 4-σ level (according to an f-test) to be included in the best-fit. Details of all fits attempted are given below the plot. For more information see the light curve fitting documentation.

Fitted light curve of GRB 060729

Fit Details

There are 2 flares excluded from the fit:

  • 130—146 s
  • 166—225 s

The best-fitting light curve has 5 breaks.

Click on the number of breaks in the table to the right to change which fit is plotted above and detailed below.

Currently showing the best fit.

α14.00 (+0.24, -0.29)
Tb,1231 (+8, -9) s
α26.8 (+0.4, -0.4)
Tb,2417 (+15, -10) s
α30.28 (+0.04, -0.04)
Tb,31.31 (+0.15, -0.12) × 104 s
α4-0.38 (+0.12, -0.16)
Tb,43.00 (+0.19, -0.19) × 104 s
α50.91 (+0.05, -0.05)
Tb,51.48 (+0.17, -0.15) × 105 s
α61.432 (+0.026, -0.024)

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Spectra have been created for each power-law segment in the best fitting light curve (shown above). Times of flaring have not been removed, however this makes little difference to most spectra (see Fig 7/8c of Evans et al. 2009). For more information see the time-resolved spectroscopy documentation.

No spectra are available for this object.