! Swift/XRT lightcurve of trigger: 21477, name: GRB 220107B - source 7 ! T0 for this burst is Swift MET=663274921.588 s, = 2022 Jan 07 at 19:01:33.000 UT ! Data covers 0.3-10 keV ! The data are in 5 columns: "; ! time, time error (+ve), time error (-ve), source flux, source error ! For a detailed description of light curve production, see Evans et al. 2007 (A&A, 469, 379 ) ! For a detailed description of the file, see ! http://www.swift.ac.uk/xrt_curves/docs.php ! This lightcurve was obtained from http://www.swift.ac.uk/xrt_curves/00021477 ! BINMODE: GRB-like (counts) READ TERR 1 2 ! PC data !Time T_+ve T_-ve Flux Fluxpos Fluxneg 41945.627 169.499 -179.018 1.84286635235564e-12 4.81812577577432e-13 -4.81812577577432e-13 42270.197 160.851 -155.071 2.04985046928681e-12 5.33487526411457e-13 -5.33487526411457e-13 42628.513 148.538 -197.465 2.04266712570457e-12 5.1625586252967e-13 -5.1625586252967e-13 48289.926 185.056 -198.561 1.5540743513786e-12 4.45537665995108e-13 -4.45537665995108e-13 51871.543 112.890 -172.942 1.43229909725086e-12 5.13359103640101e-13 -4.15009887399977e-13