! Swift/XRT hardness ratio of trigger: 1187463, name: GRB 230826A ! T0 for this burst is Swift MET=714771198.976 s, = 2023 Aug 26 at 19:32:47.077 UT ! The hard band is 1.51-10 keV ! The soft band is 0.3-1.5 keV ! For details of light-curve production, see Evans et al. 2007, A&A, 469, 379 ! There are 3 datasets: Hard, Soft, and the ratio ! Columns are as labelled ! BINMODE: GRB-like (counts) READ TERR 1 READ SERR 2 NO NO NO NO NO ! PC -- hard data !Time Err (pos) Err(neg) Rate Error 180.909 65.427 -42.387 0.665918 0.149510 319.856 71.905 -73.520 0.535580 0.115464 503.689 78.628 -111.928 0.503011 0.097292 647.269 75.458 -64.952 0.628415 0.126504 798.593 72.065 -75.867 0.473508 0.107331 1043.413 240.952 -172.755 0.606880 0.089849 5188.492 229.850 -286.653 0.074690 0.013576 11391.278 928.968 -826.142 0.018287 0.003788 17349.537 670.533 -1095.083 0.013640 0.003272 24801.035 4659.862 -2873.068 0.009618 0.001934 38402.346 14191.759 -4882.161 0.004768 0.001274 NO NO NO NO NO ! PC -- soft data !Time Err (pos) Err(neg) Rate Error 180.909 65.427 -42.387 0.965698 0.179997 319.856 71.905 -73.520 0.585912 0.120413 503.689 78.628 -111.928 0.368539 0.083882 647.269 75.458 -64.952 0.507740 0.114307 798.593 72.065 -75.867 0.475633 0.107813 1043.413 240.952 -172.755 0.417251 0.075028 5188.492 229.850 -286.653 0.079235 0.013929 11391.278 928.968 -826.142 0.028959 0.004756 17349.537 670.533 -1095.083 0.011192 0.002968 24801.035 4659.862 -2873.068 0.009903 0.001968 38402.346 14191.759 -4882.161 0.005061 0.001328 NO NO NO NO NO ! PC -- hardness ratio data !Time Err (pos) Err(neg) Rate Error 180.909 65.427 -42.387 0.689572 0.201220 319.856 71.905 -73.520 0.914097 0.272262 503.689 78.628 -111.928 1.364881 0.407677 647.269 75.458 -64.952 1.237670 0.373784 798.593 72.065 -75.867 0.995533 0.319130 1043.413 240.952 -172.755 1.454474 0.338780 5188.492 229.850 -286.653 0.942631 0.238355 11391.278 928.968 -826.142 0.631460 0.166926 17349.537 670.533 -1095.083 1.218691 0.435832 24801.035 4659.862 -2873.068 0.971205 0.274557 38402.346 14191.759 -4882.161 0.941944 0.352827