! Swift/XRT lightcurve of trigger: 765008, name: GRB 170728A ! T0 for this burst is Swift MET=522917628.224 s, = 2017 Jul 28 at 06:53:28.786 UT ! Data covers 0.3-10 keV ! The data are in 5 columns: "; ! time, time error (+ve), time error (-ve), source count-rate, source error ! For a detailed description of light curve production, see Evans et al. 2007 (A&A, 469, 379 ) ! For a detailed description of the file, see ! http://www.swift.ac.uk/xrt_curves/docs.php ! This lightcurve was obtained from http://www.swift.ac.uk/xrt_curves/00765008 ! BINMODE: GRB-like (counts) READ TERR 1 2 ! PC data !Time T_+ve T_-ve Rate Ratepos Rateneg 96.030 8.592 -11.466 2.117834e+00 4.642720e-01 -4.642720e-01 112.884 11.796 -8.262 2.157625e+00 4.722721e-01 -4.722721e-01 136.760 12.994 -12.080 1.610044e+00 3.635069e-01 -3.635069e-01 168.570 26.315 -18.817 9.302717e-01 2.083485e-01 -2.083485e-01 247.404 72.847 -52.519 3.245917e-01 7.340312e-02 -7.340312e-02 375.105 60.480 -54.854 4.165813e-01 8.676962e-02 -8.676962e-02 3784.467 142.957 -130.340 6.889608e-02 1.801560e-02 -1.801560e-02 4115.062 216.036 -187.637 8.438089e-02 1.641508e-02 -1.641508e-02 5900.451 274.212 -332.555 4.171858e-02 9.676979e-03 -9.676979e-03 14103.898 8058.141 -4706.414 1.345599e-02 2.460328e-03 -2.460328e-03 83246.009 8882.613 -4925.141 2.741219e-03 1.053216e-03 -8.514414e-04