! Swift/XRT hardness ratio of trigger: 675998, name: GRB 160225A ! T0 for this burst is Swift MET=478102872.32 s, = 2016 Feb 25 at 14:20:56.427 UT ! The hard band is 1.51-10 keV ! The soft band is 0.3-1.5 keV ! For details of light-curve production, see Evans et al. 2007, A&A, 469, 379 ! There are 3 datasets: Hard, Soft, and the ratio ! Columns are as labelled ! BINMODE: GRB-like (counts) READ TERR 1 READ SERR 2 NO NO NO NO NO ! PC -- hard data !Time Err (pos) Err(neg) Rate Error 897.776 61.694 -56.150 0.384825 0.086334 1036.331 58.535 -76.860 0.340186 0.076657 1209.088 103.915 -114.222 0.221985 0.048645 1420.984 107.648 -107.982 0.213522 0.047956 1661.908 124.978 -133.276 0.178859 0.040304 1937.415 125.277 -150.528 0.168528 0.037934 2158.403 102.366 -95.712 0.171029 0.038586 2396.861 199.889 -136.091 0.141224 0.031143 2832.119 200.899 -235.369 0.124991 0.025869 6792.529 273.884 -182.444 0.042275 0.011051 10072.247 2681.105 -1733.595 0.029419 0.007056 13684.148 851.891 -930.796 0.016604 0.003637 22436.772 3590.811 -2952.784 0.012906 0.003017 NO NO NO NO NO ! PC -- soft data !Time Err (pos) Err(neg) Rate Error 897.776 61.694 -56.150 0.812563 0.125776 1036.331 58.535 -76.860 0.411647 0.084336 1209.088 103.915 -114.222 0.414804 0.066572 1420.984 107.648 -107.982 0.395752 0.065216 1661.908 124.978 -133.276 0.371167 0.058154 1937.415 125.277 -150.528 0.338777 0.053802 2158.403 102.366 -95.712 0.275940 0.048914 2396.861 199.889 -136.091 0.275946 0.043304 2832.119 200.899 -235.369 0.219719 0.034189 6792.529 273.884 -182.444 0.107131 0.017495 10072.247 2681.105 -1733.595 0.072328 0.010932 13684.148 851.891 -930.796 0.059281 0.006805 22436.772 3590.811 -2952.784 0.019811 0.003739 NO NO NO NO NO ! PC -- hardness ratio data !Time Err (pos) Err(neg) Rate Error 897.776 61.694 -56.150 0.473594 0.129084 1036.331 58.535 -76.860 0.826402 0.251681 1209.088 103.915 -114.222 0.535157 0.145359 1420.984 107.648 -107.982 0.539535 0.150295 1661.908 124.978 -133.276 0.481883 0.132255 1937.415 125.277 -150.528 0.497459 0.137038 2158.403 102.366 -95.712 0.619805 0.177834 2396.861 199.889 -136.091 0.511783 0.138520 2832.119 200.899 -235.369 0.568868 0.147300 6792.529 273.884 -182.444 0.394609 0.121630 10072.247 2681.105 -1733.595 0.406746 0.115310 13684.148 851.891 -930.796 0.280093 0.069259 22436.772 3590.811 -2952.784 0.651489 0.195745