! Swift/XRT hardness ratio of trigger: 558982, name: GRB 130625A ! T0 for this burst is Swift MET=393836450.24 s, = 2013 Jun 25 at 07:00:39.525 UT ! The hard band is 1.51-10 keV ! The soft band is 0.3-1.5 keV ! For details of light-curve production, see Evans et al. 2007, A&A, 469, 379 ! There are 3 datasets: Hard, Soft, and the ratio ! Columns are as labelled ! BINMODE: GRB-like (counts) READ TERR 1 READ SERR 2 NO NO NO NO NO ! PC -- hard data !Time Err (pos) Err(neg) Rate Error 973.351 773.878 -848.361 0.107083 0.016974 6344.521 6107.005 -4494.491 0.015501 0.004258 NO NO NO NO NO ! PC -- soft data !Time Err (pos) Err(neg) Rate Error 973.351 773.878 -848.361 0.072690 0.014007 6344.521 6107.005 -4494.491 0.015725 0.004242 NO NO NO NO NO ! PC -- hardness ratio data !Time Err (pos) Err(neg) Rate Error 973.351 773.878 -848.361 1.473142 0.367580 6344.521 6107.005 -4494.491 0.985778 0.379547