! Swift/XRT hardness ratio of trigger: 357512, name: GRB 090715B ! T0 for this burst is Swift MET=269384599.552 s, = 2009 Jul 15 at 21:03:14.638 UT ! The hard band is 1.51-10 keV ! The soft band is 0.3-1.5 keV ! For details of light-curve production, see Evans et al. 2007, A&A, 469, 379 ! There are 3 datasets: Hard, Soft, and the ratio ! Columns are as labelled ! BINMODE: GRB-like (counts) READ TERR 1 READ SERR 2 NO NO NO NO NO ! PC -- hard data !Time Err (pos) Err(neg) Rate Error 3942.736 105.567 -90.004 0.244440 0.055054 4226.863 137.359 -178.560 0.203648 0.039432 6120.129 150.706 -155.184 0.179108 0.037615 9971.936 389.786 -362.406 0.067364 0.011407 14819.202 922.647 -2807.720 0.057066 0.013979 16122.028 369.502 -380.179 0.061304 0.010820 21532.696 396.662 -368.068 0.039091 0.008845 22259.527 422.017 -330.169 0.046434 0.009839 27805.865 1047.718 -855.322 0.026940 0.004902 34015.750 1010.582 -1276.076 0.018131 0.003546 42202.170 4572.787 -3677.630 0.008083 0.001665 51262.897 1297.371 -1162.290 0.010836 0.002621 56985.179 1361.023 -1098.640 0.011868 0.002643 66139.305 3780.896 -4465.766 0.007668 0.001623 81026.240 12041.843 -7364.628 0.004673 0.001243 112276.130 32361.611 -15869.316 0.004358 0.001137 171647.457 36650.675 -22907.042 0.003467 0.000912 240952.140 41867.226 -28551.752 0.002275 0.000603 358950.329 137201.873 -71307.928 0.000959 0.000275 857305.956 594613.784 -315004.498 0.000222 0.000075 NO NO NO NO NO ! PC -- soft data !Time Err (pos) Err(neg) Rate Error 3942.736 105.567 -90.004 0.369675 0.067772 4226.863 137.359 -178.560 0.378893 0.053849 6120.129 150.706 -155.184 0.251391 0.044641 9971.936 389.786 -362.406 0.144446 0.017306 14819.202 922.647 -2807.720 0.070088 0.015402 16122.028 369.502 -380.179 0.106380 0.014070 21532.696 396.662 -368.068 0.083758 0.013165 22259.527 422.017 -330.169 0.062931 0.011375 27805.865 1047.718 -855.322 0.044558 0.006269 34015.750 1010.582 -1276.076 0.030607 0.004622 42202.170 4572.787 -3677.630 0.018396 0.002504 51262.897 1297.371 -1162.290 0.009401 0.002460 56985.179 1361.023 -1098.640 0.014807 0.002939 66139.305 3780.896 -4465.766 0.016279 0.002361 81026.240 12041.843 -7364.628 0.013201 0.002049 112276.130 32361.611 -15869.316 0.011170 0.001892 171647.457 36650.675 -22907.042 0.005034 0.001136 240952.140 41867.226 -28551.752 0.004210 0.000775 358950.329 137201.873 -71307.928 0.001768 0.000361 857305.956 594613.784 -315004.498 0.000553 0.000108 NO NO NO NO NO ! PC -- hardness ratio data !Time Err (pos) Err(neg) Rate Error 3942.736 105.567 -90.004 0.661230 0.192026 4226.863 137.359 -178.560 0.537483 0.129098 6120.129 150.706 -155.184 0.712465 0.195947 9971.936 389.786 -362.406 0.466364 0.096740 14819.202 922.647 -2807.720 0.814199 0.267939 16122.028 369.502 -380.179 0.576272 0.127102 21532.696 396.662 -368.068 0.466710 0.128584 22259.527 422.017 -330.169 0.737855 0.205504 27805.865 1047.718 -855.322 0.604591 0.139060 34015.750 1010.582 -1276.076 0.592379 0.146365 42202.170 4572.787 -3677.630 0.439414 0.108493 51262.897 1297.371 -1162.290 1.152619 0.410727 56985.179 1361.023 -1098.640 0.801479 0.239101 66139.305 3780.896 -4465.766 0.471026 0.120852 81026.240 12041.843 -7364.628 0.353972 0.109043 112276.130 32361.611 -15869.316 0.390150 0.121365 171647.457 36650.675 -22907.042 0.688845 0.238699 240952.140 41867.226 -28551.752 0.540355 0.174387 358950.329 137201.873 -71307.928 0.542484 0.191065 857305.956 594613.784 -315004.498 0.401647 0.156487