! Swift/XRT lightcurve of trigger: 353627, name: GRB 090531A ! T0 for this burst is Swift MET=265427122.176 s, = 2009 May 31 at 01:45:17.390 UT ! Data covers 0.3-10 keV ! The data are in 5 columns: "; ! time, time error (+ve), time error (-ve), source flux, source error ! For a detailed description of light curve production, see Evans et al. 2007 (A&A, 469, 379 ) ! For a detailed description of the file, see ! http://www.swift.ac.uk/xrt_curves/docs.php ! This lightcurve was obtained from http://www.swift.ac.uk/xrt_curves/00353627 ! BINMODE: GRB-like (counts) READ TERR 1 2 ! PC data !Time T_+ve T_-ve Flux Fluxpos Fluxneg 875265.380 15035.181 -14313.562 2.517062989e-13 6.489280665e-14 -6.489280665e-14 918620.346 23835.657 -22988.732 2.291721621e-13 5.942487397e-14 -5.942487397e-14 1478788.054 8287.006 -16107.998 3.125269364e-13 8.15972801e-14 -8.15972801e-14 1516414.348 23521.443 -25129.354 1.643392891e-13 4.235183337e-14 -4.235183337e-14 NO NO NO NO NO ! PC upper limits 1543396.878 1820.367 -91.516 1.0264639e-12 0 0