! Swift/XRT hardness ratio of trigger: 146970, name: GRB 050721 ! T0 for this burst is Swift MET=143612953.92 s, = 2005 Jul 21 at 04:29:14.287 UT ! The hard band is 1.51-10 keV ! The soft band is 0.3-1.5 keV ! For details of light-curve production, see Evans et al. 2007, A&A, 469, 379 ! There are 3 datasets: Hard, Soft, and the ratio ! Columns are as labelled ! BINMODE: GRB-like (counts) READ TERR 1 READ SERR 2 NO NO NO NO NO ! PC -- hard data !Time Err (pos) Err(neg) Rate Error 344.173 22.916 -19.708 4.375890 0.715368 404.824 32.470 -37.735 2.924677 0.454133 471.643 30.840 -34.350 2.471045 0.432839 534.574 28.085 -32.091 2.689733 0.470725 599.926 37.952 -37.267 2.092130 0.371538 683.812 61.880 -45.934 1.086766 0.223469 826.250 82.417 -80.558 0.826144 0.157941 988.801 110.421 -80.134 0.751524 0.138833 1237.201 225.577 -137.979 0.603261 0.090499 6849.710 9792.109 -2227.967 0.034680 0.009120 17737.688 1082.974 -1095.869 0.013314 0.002902 23238.968 1110.498 -1246.364 0.013915 0.002871 43739.791 4007.059 -3640.280 0.008484 0.001806 85665.497 19919.671 -33613.356 0.003353 0.000914 122704.754 11800.740 -13796.198 0.003188 0.000877 NO NO NO NO NO ! PC -- soft data !Time Err (pos) Err(neg) Rate Error 344.173 22.916 -19.708 2.413798 0.531919 404.824 32.470 -37.735 1.378755 0.313338 471.643 30.840 -34.350 1.583933 0.346125 534.574 28.085 -32.091 1.625719 0.366739 599.926 37.952 -37.267 1.307543 0.294096 683.812 61.880 -45.934 0.931150 0.209613 826.250 82.417 -80.558 0.583286 0.134557 988.801 110.421 -80.134 0.513400 0.116745 1237.201 225.577 -137.979 0.387994 0.073044 6849.710 9792.109 -2227.967 0.052559 0.011285 17737.688 1082.974 -1095.869 0.025762 0.004049 23238.968 1110.498 -1246.364 0.014213 0.002935 43739.791 4007.059 -3640.280 0.010781 0.002062 85665.497 19919.671 -33613.356 0.003434 0.000969 122704.754 11800.740 -13796.198 0.003793 0.000903 NO NO NO NO NO ! PC -- hardness ratio data !Time Err (pos) Err(neg) Rate Error 344.173 22.916 -19.708 1.812865 0.497421 404.824 32.470 -37.735 2.121245 0.583857 471.643 30.840 -34.350 1.560069 0.436915 534.574 28.085 -32.091 1.654488 0.472375 599.926 37.952 -37.267 1.600047 0.458540 683.812 61.880 -45.934 1.167122 0.355844 826.250 82.417 -80.558 1.416363 0.424356 988.801 110.421 -80.134 1.463818 0.428867 1237.201 225.577 -137.979 1.554821 0.374280 6849.710 9792.109 -2227.967 0.659829 0.224008 17737.688 1082.974 -1095.869 0.516785 0.138867 23238.968 1110.498 -1246.364 0.979003 0.285795 43739.791 4007.059 -3640.280 0.786979 0.225180 85665.497 19919.671 -33613.356 0.976446 0.383087 122704.754 11800.740 -13796.198 0.840520 0.305635