! Swift/XRT lightcurve of trigger: 21514, name: GRB 220921A ! T0 for this burst is Swift MET=685451188.956 s, = 2022 Sep 21 at 11:05:59.058 UT ! Data covers 0.3-10 keV ! The data are in 5 columns: "; ! time, time error (+ve), time error (-ve), source count-rate, source error ! For a detailed description of light curve production, see Evans et al. 2007 (A&A, 469, 379 ) ! For a detailed description of the file, see ! http://www.swift.ac.uk/xrt_curves/docs.php ! This lightcurve was obtained from http://www.swift.ac.uk/xrt_curves/00021514 ! BINMODE: GRB-like (counts) READ TERR 1 2 ! PC data !Time T_+ve T_-ve Rate Ratepos Rateneg 33509.105 60.830 -79.580 2.064749e-01 4.659648e-02 -4.659648e-02 33706.721 161.581 -136.787 1.500987e-01 2.715938e-02 -2.715938e-02 39135.755 166.252 -124.595 9.355865e-02 2.234580e-02 -2.234580e-02 41676.461 2796.479 -1614.517 6.506212e-02 1.129863e-02 -1.129863e-02 108858.162 670.659 -399.958 2.362285e-02 5.864188e-03 -5.864188e-03 119670.440 358.575 -453.795 2.590899e-02 6.877489e-03 -6.877489e-03 120506.550 450.161 -477.536 3.388512e-02 7.356328e-03 -7.356328e-03 130740.405 537.763 -427.548 2.508305e-02 5.892778e-03 -5.892778e-03